This morning Andrew and I awoke to almost immediate statements of, "I don't want to go to school". Deep breath. Keep moving forward.
On the drive to school today I was buoyed by the kind words of momma friends who emailed to support us. Thank you so much! I can't tell you how much it helped. I feel so blessed to be connected to you all. And thank goodness for those fortifying words---they were just in time.
Just as we turned in to the school parking lot, Bodhi began wailing, "I don't want to go to school mommy!". I carried him in at decibel levels matched to yesterdays upset. I knew I shouldn't stay long, it would only prolong it for him, so once again Aunty Debra had to peel him off of me and I left walking backward so I could catch the kisses he was blowing me through his tears.
In the car I had tears too, but at least I was not overcome with the heaves--like yesterday. I knew he would calm down soon and have a good day. And praise the universe, that's exactly what he did. When I returned at 2:30 the assistant told me he calmed down 2 minutes after I left and had a wonderful day. I could tell the second I saw him, he was so excited to show me a toy train in the classroom and to give me some flowers he had picked with his teacher, Aunty Debra. As we left for the day Aunty Debra called out, "I love you Bodhi" and he shouted across the playground, "I love you Aunty Debra".
So we will continue to ride this ride. Thanks for going along with us.
Now to work on those naps!
Awww, what a cute picture...he is so precious <3