We must have been vibrating dog energy.
Where there were none, now there are two. It was about a week ago that Kim and I started talking about getting a dog. Our conversations about these things usually start with, "Wouldn't it be nice if . . .?". This time it went something like, "Wouldn't it be nice to have a dog for the land and for Bodhi?". Within a few days of posing this question, Mister Dog started appearing on the scene. Although he remains this phantom apparition that appears and disappears, he has definitely gotten more comfortable with us. I've had situations where I'm working on something and I look up, I see him standing in front of me, I look away for a second, he's gone, I turn around and he's standing behind me. It freaks me out sometimes. He's taken to being a troll living under our deck and seems to come out when he smells food cooking. Now to add to this, Bodhi's Godfather, Reverend Mark, calls Kim on Friday and asks if we're willing to take one of his dogs, Butch. Apparently, tiny little Butch has developed an appetite for Mark's neigbor's chickens and has come home with them in his mouth.
Kim and I have always been people to follow the flow of life and so it seems that the currents of the stream have brought us not one, but two dogs. Butch is one of those tiny little dogs that thinks he is a big dog. He's already gotten charged at Mister Dog to establish his role as the alpha male. I don't want to paint a picture of Butch being a vicious, chicken killing, mongrel. He is a sweet dog that gets so excited to see us when we get home, loves to hop into my lap when I'm sitting, and just loves, loves, loves to get rubbed down, scratched and petted.
We think Mister Dog will always be a shadow figure that comes around for a free meal and then goes off and lives his own life. That's okay with us, he's been gentle enough so far.
It's amazing what happens when you put your desires out and they mesh with your beliefs as to what is possible. Ten years ago, when Kim and I came to the Big Island for a cousins graduation, we fell in love with this place and asked ourselves, "Wouldn't it be nice to live here?". At that time we thought we would move to the Big Island in about three years. Three months later, however, we are running an ocean front bed and breakfast on the Big Island.
The bed and breakfast had a broken pool that was filling up with rain water. Kim saw this and said to me, "Wouldn't it be nice to have koi for the pool?". We didn't mention this to anyone, but a day later a friend calls and says,"Hey, I know a guy who has 30 koi he doesn't want anymore. You want them?". When our time as innkeepers was coming to an end, we took a drive around the island to take in some of the beautiful scenery this place has to offer. As we drove through Waimea, I looked at Kim and in a very matter of fact way asked, "Wouldn't it be nice to live here?". Within two months we were both working on a ranch on the upper road leading out of Waimea Town.
This formula of asking and receiving, that we learned from Reverend Mark and from the teachings of Abraham, has worked over and over again for us. It's really the process of focussing your desires on what is wanted over what is not wanted and then allowing your desires to flow into your life. The challenging part is the allowing, because this aspect of the formula deals with what you believe is possible. You may desire a million dollars, but if you don't believe it is possible to have it, it won't flow into your life.
So in this vast Universe what are we willing to believe is possible? Is it possible to believe that life supports us? Is it possible to believe that life flows as a constant stream of health, abundance and peace? Is it possible to believe that if we surrender to the flow of the stream, instead of fighting to swim against the current, that all our desires will come into our life?
Wouldn't it be nice to believe all these things and more are possible? Wouldn't it be nice if...
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