Tuesday, August 18, 2009

The Unpacking

It's amazing how settling driving one's own car can be. Kim and I picked up our cars from the docks in Hilo this morning. After a week of feeling like a nomad living out of a suitcase and driving a borrowed car packed with our stuff that didn't get packed in the container, driving my own car felt normal. I guess that was what I was craving amidst all of this change we've been going through, a sense of normalcy. When Kim drove away from the docks in her car she pressed a preset button on the stereo out of habit, and only static came out of that Honolulu setting. She felt sad at the loss of another piece of Honolulu. She set the button to a Hilo station that we like and as she did that blaring out of the speakers came the rockin' lyric--"my future's so bright. . . I gotta wear shades." Pretty profound. I think the Universe was speaking. We'd better listen.

The 20' Young Brother's container was dropped off on the land today. Everything made it in one piece. It was nice to open the container doors and see things we had packed up a week ago. The first thing I saw when I opened the doors was Bodhi's car that he got from his cousin Ashley. He likes to scoot around (Flintstone style) in that thing and step in and out of the doors that swing open. It's really a cool little car that we made into a little painting project as well. Bodhi had a blast taking his paints out and getting different colors on his ride. Perhaps sitting in that car and scooting around in it again may make him feel a little normal too.

I'm very grateful to Bodhi's Godmother, Karen, for taking Bodhi around today so Kim and I could focus on unloading the container. I was impressed with our work crew today which consisted of Kim's dad and Jim our neighbor. It was inspiring to see these two guys in their 60s and my wife haul up heavy tables, sofas, chairs, desks, bookshelves, and beds, up a pretty steep flight of stairs. And it was hot.

It was comforting to come back to Karen's house after a day of unloading and eat a wonderful meal that Karen cooked for us and to sit and listen to Bodhi's adventures in Hilo Town.
When we were eating breakfast this morning, I must have been noticeably anxious about all the events that needed to happen today. Karen shared a really great process for turning anxiety to excitement. Often times when we experience fear or anxiety it is centered in our stomach area. What you need to do when you recognize the fear, is to visualize yourself moving the fear from your belly to your chest area. It will begin to vibrate at a higher vibration and turn to a feeling of excitement. Try it. It really works.

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